WP7 - Dissemination

Revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve

GTAP resource paper #4417, Octavio Fern´andez-Amador, Joseph F. Francois and Patrick Tomberger

Pass-Through, Food Prices and Food Security

GTAP resource paper #4228, Eddy Bekkers, Martina Brockmeier, Joseph Francois and Fan Yang

Optimal growth under a climate constraint

LERNA Working Paper, n°13.08.395, TSE, 2013, Jean-Pierre Amigues and Michel Moreaux

Political Support for Trade Policy in the European Union

European Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming, Elsevier, Netherlands, Joseph Francois and Douglas R. Nelson

Should Governments Use a Declining Discount Rate in Project Analysis?

Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol. 8/Issue  2, Oxford University Press, United States, July 2014, p. 145-163, K. J. Arrow , M. L. Cropper , C. Gollier , B. Groom , G. M. Heal , R. G. Newell , W. D. Nordhaus , R. S. Pindyck , W. A. Pizer , P. R. Portney , T. Sterner , R. S. J. Tol , M. L. Weitzman


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