Results and impacts

Two types of impacts are expected from the project:

  • "external impacts" associated with the advances in scientific knowledge and contributions to the state-of-the-art in the analysis of global changes and socio-economic impact assessment
  • "internal impacts" inside the consortium. Improved common experience and share of skills of the consortium members will help to build and maintain an established research network at the European level, which is one of the expected impacts listed in the call
impact category impact strategy to realize the impact

External (on the research community & contribution to policy)

Improved understanding of global changes Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches
Improved estimates of costs (of global changes) in different socio-economic areas New and improved model developments
Better understanding of sustainability and the involved trade-offs: policy implications Consistent and comprehensive socio-economic impact cost estimates; optimization of trade off mitigation-adaptation; assessment of existing policies and recommendation of new policies
Greater visibility of results Dissemination strategy involving not only peer-reviewed publications (academic community), but also websites, newsletters, policy briefs, ...
Higher degree of consensus on the methods for analytical impact assessment

Dissemination and open debate (iterative process)

Bringing together tools from different disciplines to bridge gaps in current assessments

Improved scenarios

Scenarios will be more comprehensive, not only looking at biophysical impacts.


Internal (on the consortium) Better modelling tools through integration suited for impact and policy assessment Model integration through soft and hard links and data-exchange and analysis at  different scales
Better confidence in the robustness of models Advances in the theory of discounting and ambiguity; application of new insights of uncertainty analysis and risk assessment in existing models; sensitivity tests; Monte Carlo Analysis
Widening of networks in the science and policy domain Linking up the networks of individual institutes through close collaboration and elaborate dissemination strategy